Monday, August 16, 2010

Making a Wedding Budget: Where do you start?

If you are like most people, you don't really have an idea of where to start when making a wedding budget or even how much things costs. No one wants to begin married life in debt, so don't let money matters give you a sour face.

Jean Chatzky, Today financial editor and author of Money 911 joined up with Brides magazine to create  "sweet" money fixes for the majority of wedding planning/marriage issues.

The Problem: You're starting marriage in major debt (you had to invite everyone on your 300-person guest list). How do you get back on track?
The Solution:  Imagine your debt is an all-day sucker, which you can whittle away if you keep at it. Add up all that you owe, then find ways to cut back while you pay things off. Little sums add up quickly-so start by skipping your coffee run every morning. Bonus! Licking that debt together is a surefire way to strengthen your bond.

The Problem: While he's still in school, you'll be the only one working.
The Solution: Consider this time an investment, and his graduation a PayDay. "Figure out how much money will be coming in each month, and attempt to live on that rather than going into debt," says Chatzky. "If he's taking out student loans, be sure you both understand how much the monthly payments will be once he graduates."

The Problem: You're a saver; he's a spender...or vis versa. ;)
The Solution: Try the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup method: Combine your two money styles to create a new kind of satisfaction. Designate, say, $50 each week to spend freely and at least 10 percent of both incomes for savings. Set a goal for the savings sum; a trip to your favorite destination, a new big screen?

1 comment:

  1. Ok. Now I have no idea how it came to be that things are highlighted and some font is black and other is white. If you can figure it out let me know. :)
