Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Making memories with Mom

Now that you're all grown up, planning your wedding, and about to start a family of your own take a long moment to just look around you and remember your past. Who was next to you? Who did you go school clothes shopping with? Who packed your lunches every night before school? Who gave you advice on boys?

Was it your mom? I know that's my answer.

Now, back to the wedding... Sure you are planning the wedding of your dreams and it should be all about you and your fiance, but don't forget those who helped you get to this point in your life. As you go through all the different planning stages of a wedding, invite mom along and even your groom's mom. Planning is fun and everyone wants to help.

Just remember, even  mothers and daughter who don't typically argue may find themselves squaring off about certain details or having heated "the way I always pictured it" conversations. Here are a few tips to keep the peace:

MOM: Remember this is NOT your wedding and the brides choice should trump all. Even if you're paying for part of the wedding choose to pick your battles. Maybe you have always wanted to invite your great aunts and those long lost relatives from Germany... if this is something you feel strongly about then make your case! Otherwise keep your mouth shut when the bride wants to give her guests what you call "a tacky wedding favor." The key words here are "the bride wants."

BRIDE: Remember that your mom has dreamed about this day for as long as you have been born! Give in a little to that wonderful mother who spent 8 hours in labor and drove you to every sports practice, game, dance class, birthday party, and put up with you breaking curfew more than once.

If things do end up heating up why don't you call a time out. Mend your hurt feelings and forgive each other over pedicures at the local nail salon. You can even hold a girls night at your place and watch a movie you have both been wanting to see.

Just take a deep breath and remember this is day for you, your fiance and friends and family to celebrate your new marriage...if something goes wrong no one will notice. Just smile, because you paid a lot for that photographer! :)

1 comment:

  1. Totally know how this is!!! It is hard when two people have two VERY different pictures on how they want some things. For instance, my mother and I were butting heads over whether or not to do a champagne toast. She wants it and I don't! I just want white wine -- nobody likes champagne anyways! lol It was definitely a heated convo --- but we are fine now thank goodness!
