THE SHOCK: You'll gain a little love weight.
WHAT'S A COUPLE TO DO? Putting on a bit of weight is normal for a newlywed. "Give yourself permission to enjoy your new life and the food that comes with it," says psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., author of A Happy You; Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness.
THE SHOCK: Your B-list buds will go MIA.
WHAT'S A COUPLE TO DO? If a friend is keen on getting married, jealousy may play a part, or she may be having a hard time dealing with a former free-agent pal's wanting to check in with her hubby before making plans. But don't worry-your closest girlfriends won't leave your side, especially if you make a conscious effort to keep them there.
THE SHOCK: Your sex life will be off the charts-sometimes. Life can get in the way. One night, you may want to do the laundry or there will be a marathon on TV that you really, really want to watch.
WHAT'S A COUPLE TO DO? Nothing. Studies show that, over time, married people have more - and better - sex.

THE SHOCK: You won't unpack for six months.
WHAT'S A COUPLE TO DO? Everyday things will get in the way of setting up your ideal space. Try to open one box each week until you've achieved the set up you want! Then use your new stuff.
THE SHOCK: You'll do the dishes and your husband will fix stuff. It's natural to fall into cliched do the laundry and cook...he walks around with a hammer and fixes stuff.
WHAT'S A COUPLE TO DO? Devise a plan. Studies show that when roles are clearly defined and equitable, everyone's happier.
THE SHOCK: Even though you'll have two paychecks, you'll still feel broke. That theory of having twice as much money is an illusion. While you'll save on money, by moving in together, you'll also be spending more. Now you want grown up, married couple things, instead of that gross bachelor couch and that single girl pink rug.
WHAT'S A COUPLE TO DO? Don't worry, the investments you make now will pay off for years to come, whether they're in furnishings, friendships (dinner parties, Superbowl parties), or the future (loading up your savings account).
THE SHOCK: You won't want to spend every moment with you new husband.
WHAT'S A COUPLE TO DO? Your spouse can be you best friend, but he doesn't have to be your only friend! Go out with the girls and give him a guy's night. Your marriage will be the better for it!
THE SHOCK: You may go to bed mad, even though you vowed not to.
WHAT'S A COUPLE TO DO? Don't be scared of getting some sleep after a fight. Most likely, you'll both wake up refreshed and ready to make up. Studies show the best predictor of a marriage's success is the couple's ability to repair the relationship after a fight, so as long as you resolve your conflict quickly, you can rest easy.
THE SHOCK: Being a wife doesn't mean you are automatically Paula Dean or Rachel Ray.
WHAT'S A COUPLE TO DO? Marriage vows are powerful, but they don't include instructions on how to make the perfect 7 course dinner. Just relax and have fun. Maybe you can even cook together.
THE SHOCK: The world will feel like a better place.
WHAT'S A COUPLE TO DO? Getting married is a declaration to the world that you want to be with each other forever. That intensity will not only deepen your bond but also give you quite a buzz.